Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And So it begins...

Well, here it is..my first post.  (Go me!)

I need a way to stay accountable in this yo-yo weight loss journey. My entire adult life has been a constant up and down battle with my weight.. and well I'm tired of it! In most of my attempts to lose weight I generally lose somewhere between 10-15 lbs...and then I gain it all back.. every time.

Well that time has come.. I am down 13 pounds and my head is starting to say crazy things again. (It doesn't take much!) I start cheating here and there.."ahh that one cookie won't hurt".."I haven't had anything fried in a long time" I feel down about myself and wonder why most of the yummy things have to be so bad for you..I gripe about my hubby who at almost age 30 can eat whatever he wants and still be within a few pounds of what he was in highschool.

But no more excuses.. today I am going to do something extreme... today...via the internet I am going to share my weight..and put it all out there. This is a big deal.. 99% of the time the only other person that knows my weight is my DR. I even tend to hide from my husband when I pull out the scale.. I'm generally just embarrassed.

So here it is..as of a few days ago ( I plan on weighing in sometime this weeked)..165..it may not seem like a HUGE number.. but at 5ft 3 in,  i am a couple pounds away from being OBESE.. not just overweight.. but OBESE..I want to be in a normal healthy range. I will get there.

Here is my motivation photo..on vaction at the end of July, 178 pounds. It can only get better.


  1. Good Luck!! I'm right here in the same boat with you!!! We will get there!! Give me call or email if ya get stuck.. We can swap those dreaded HEALTHY recipes!! Karena

  2. You can do it! Maybe as some extra motivation you can pick out a nice pair of "running" shoes that you can get once you lose X amount of pounds. I need to get my butt in gear now that the weather is cooling down. We have a jogging stroller that has never gone faster than snails pace.

  3. Sarah,

    You can do it! I will be praying for you as I know it is not an easy battle to win!

  4. Hi Sarah. A friend of mine told me to check your blog out. I think it is awesome how you put everything out there and was totally honest. It shows your serious about it. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know. Its not easy but the changes that come you will love!!! Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels :) I keep that in my mind and Phillippians 4:13-I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (That helps more;) I'll be praying for you!!!!!
