Saturday, October 16, 2010

Moving on.. no regrets!

Last night my hubby and I went out to celebrate the last night in his 20s. We went to see a movie and I knew that after we were going to the new Mexican restaurant in the area. I already knew I would go way over my daily food allowances and had prepared myself that I was OK with not losing any weight this week..( I was not OK with gaining however!) So when the time came.. I ate wayyyyy to many chips.. and then dinner came and even tho I only ate maybe 2/3rds of what was on my plate.. I instantly started to regret what I had done..The ground beef  was extremely greasy (note to self and anyone else that may go there.. get the chicken in your dishes!). The meal, while good, has actually made me sick, not because there was something wrong with the food, but because my body is no longer used to the high fat, high calorie ingredients. My stomach as been bloated and blah since last night. I did not weigh in this weekend because I feel my choices from last night has hurt all the progress I may have made this week. I plan on waiting a few days before I step back on the scale to counter balance what I ate.. Moving on.. no regrets.. today is a new day!


  1. ugh I know what "bloat" ya mean... I get that way with anything greasy lol.. Then to top it off it has nasty side effects that I will not post on here haha

  2. thankyou for keeping the details to yourself! LOL

  3. That is such a good attitude Sarah! You are on your way!
