Saturday, January 29, 2011

its been awhile since my last weigh in..

its been slow going but.. it is still going! and its 142! I have also in the last week started weight training.. so in the next few weeks I am going to try to not focus as much on what the scale says and attempt to build some muscle! wish me luck!
178..Starting weight
156.. (Smallest since having children) New nail polish152..(smallest since becoming pregnant w/ Fhillip)..New shirt
148..(30 pounds)..Healthy cookbook

142..(wedding weight) hair cut and foils
current weight... 142
138..(40 pounds gone!).. Family portraits
130.. (just a big deal!) swim suit!


  1. Looking go girl!!! Keep it up! 130 is my goal also! I am at 148...but I have not been doing much of anything. I need to get my but in gear, I want to look good at the pool this summer! And would love my pre-Brayden(4.5y) clothes to fit.

  2. Fantastic, Sarah!! Congrats on your great progress!
